Archdale Hall

A Little History...

The original land grant for the Archdale Hall plantation land was issued in 1681, and two structures had been built on the site by 1810. While it survived the Civil War, the house was severely damaged by the earthquake of 1886, and a third structure was subsequently constructed on the site. It is this third house’s ruins that can be seen on the property today.

Archdale Hall initially produced indigo and rice. The plantation was later leased for phosphate mining and provided trolley access to the Charleston and Summerville Interurban Company in the mid-20th century.

–The Ashley River Historic Corridor

For more in-depth history on Archdale Hall, visit

A Vision for the Future

Archdale Hall Beautification

The ACA is working to make the Archdale Hall property a more “user friendly” amenity for Archdale. Efforts are underway for clearing some surrounding property for benches, tables and short walking paths. The overall vision is to have a gathering place within our neighborhood that connects us to our history and our natural surroundings.